TBI, Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) can occur when something outside the body hits the head with significant force. Whether it is a head hitting the windshield during a car accident, an impact from a fall, head injuries received during sports or other recreational activities , or trauma from a nearby blast or explosion, TBI can cause changes in a person’s ability to think, control emotions, walk, or speak, and can also affect sense of sight or hearing.
TBI can be mild to severe. Mild traumatic brain injury refers to brief changes in or loss of consciousness. Severe traumatic brain injury refers to longer periods of unconsciousness and memory loss around the event. While it may be easier to diagnose moderate to severe TBI, changes caused by any TBI could significantly affect many areas of a person’s life.
TBI can result in changes in a person’s physical functioning, thinking abilities or cognitive function, and behavioral effects and they are often interrelated. These effects sometimes cause other difficulties such as sleeping problems, depression, and anxiety.
Physical effects may include:

Difficulty speaking
Blurry eyesight
Trouble hearing
Loss of energy
Change in sense of taste or smell
Dizziness or trouble with balance
Cognitive effects may include:
Difficulty concentrating
Trouble with attention
Difficulty making decisions
Repeating things
Behavioral effects may include:
Becoming angry easily
Getting frustrated easily
Acting without thinking

A great resource for more information on tbi click here.